The Purposes of Informed Consent.
There are many. Today, I will touch upon one. Full disclosure - I'm a bit pissed off right now.
Monday, May 9th, 2022
Dear Freedom Friends,
I’m feeling frustrated by a recent conversation on Facebook. I am friends with a brilliant young man. I truly love his brain and his heart and his good intentions. However, he seems to remain resolute in his belief that “the ends justify the means” and “the greater good” legitimizes coercion. I could be wrong, but even if so, there are many who have been swinging in this direction over the past 20 years (in particular), and I cannot imagine the world we will live in if this becomes the accepted norm.
Today, my friend reiterated the opinion that human beings threatening other human beings to utilize the Covid injections are somehow not using force. I suggested he pick a synonym he was more comfortable with, and then, I went digging for a few myself. What I found has added one more layer of subtle nuance to my existing understanding, and I want to share!
Let’s take a look at the actual definition of “force” by Merriam-Webster. The functional meaning is: to cause (a person) to give in to pressure. Methinks those who fight so hard against the use of the word “force” do so because they want to limit the scope of the word to physical violence. Such as, soldiers yanking civilians out of their homes and holding them at gunpoint while they are injected against their will. But, we all know (because we have brains and we know how to use ‘em!) that “force” comes in many forms. In fact, Merriam-Webster offers us two brilliant examples:
Synonyms & Antonyms of force
(Entry 1 of 2)
1 to cause (a person) to give in to pressure
the public outcry from the scandal forced the mayor to resign
road construction forced them to take an alternate route
Question: Did the public show up at the Governor’s Mansion, drag him or her out into the street, and force a gubernatorial signature while crying out loudly, “You must resign!”
Question: Did the road construction crew menace Sunday drivers out for a drive in the country, as they shoved their erstwhile vehicles onto an alternate route?
And yet, the mayor resigned and the drivers took an alternate route. Why? Because, pressure made their preferred outcome impossible or extremely uncomfortable, and apparently — according to Merriam-Webster — the mere presence of discomfort adequate to trigger a change in one’s plans or one’s choices CONSTITUTES FORCE.
SO. Can we please get over this BS about coercion not being coercion? Let us stop dancing around the F-Word! Force is force. The past year (since the injection coercion began) has thrown me back to the date-rape defenders of the 1980’s! No means no! The “coercion isn’t coercion” people’s response has been to yank up our proverbial economic skirts and threaten us until we spread our legs willingly. If we don’t? We ended up bloodied, beaten, kicked to the curb and it’s our fault?
This is WHY so many honest Americans who value liberty and justice are moving out of the Midnight Blue States, in search of the freedom and human rights our nation has always at least pretended to aspire to. But, it’s not just in our fair country!
Every single one of you — American, Canadian, English, French, Australian, Swede, Scott, Spaniard, Italian and so on — who supported, advocated for, defended and justified the USE OF FORCE upon our fellow human beings during the Covid Experience? You all have to live with what you did for the rest of your lives.
Denialism exists for a reason. It’s what people do when they know they’ve wronged another and they don’t want (or know how) to admit it to themselves, much less anyone else — and Heaven Forbid they Apologize! The hypocritical irony of self-proclaimed liberals and progressives (who inherently see themselves as better than everyone else) being so perfect that they can’t even admit to their use of FORCE upon their fellow men, women and children has a rank odor. As if these people are teenagers refusing to take out the kitchen trash, even though it’s weeks old and stinking up the whole house with a stench of rot and decay.
Was that visceral enough for you? And if that type of imagery bothers you, imagine being the recipient of all those people suffering from God-Awful, self-satisfied arrogance and unbridled hubris, as they sit upon their “can do no wrong” raft, sharing needles, and floating down De Nile!
(Okay. I told you I was pissed.)
So, here’s one of the actual reasons WHY we need Informed Consent. The people in power just might get it wrong. And, the people with less power — a mere individual, a religious community, a family, or members of a philosophical perspective — might come up with the better idea.
Do we gain value (as a species, a society, a people) by silencing the minority voices in favor of the majority? What evidence do we have to support such a theory? Does anyone really think the experts can’t get it wrong????? That doctors are superhuman and left their human failings behind when they earned their degree????? Do you know any doctors? I know a lot. Trust me, there’s NO evidence of such a thing!
And so, here’s one of the pieces of brilliant evidence and scientific exploration that I was aware of early on. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why I began to look so carefully into the uses of Quinine and Quinine derivatives (Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine) as a preventative or early treatment for Covid. At the same time that the Legacy Media Actors were spewing their well-rehearsed lines ad nauseum, I was delving into the science that didn’t support the power-preferred narrative. Exactly as we want and need minority voices to do!
I strongly suggest following the link and enjoying the read!
It becomes rapidly apparent that SARS-CoV2 is extremely similar to SARS-CoV in the ways which relate to the efficacy of Chloroquine in preventing and treating infection. Why was this not celebrated, communicated and explored by everyone interested in doing so? Why the massive cover-up? Blackout? Censorship? Coercion? Denial? Lies?
Asking such questions…is the role, purpose & value of minority voices.
Oh, yeah! I found a few interesting synonyms for “force.” How many of these come to mind, when you consider the actions of the coordinated “leaders of the world” who sacrificed Human Rights for Corporate Gain over the past two years?
Synonyms for force
Words Related to force
Phrases Synonymous with force
"So, here’s one of the actual reasons WHY we need Informed Consent. The people in power just might get it wrong. And, the people with less power — a mere individual, a religious community, a family, or members of a philosophical perspective — might come up with the better idea."
Indeed. Another reason for the principle of Informed Consent is that criminal medical mass experimentation has historical form. MKultra and Tuskegee, as examples, come to mind.
A person, then, needs to have the right to refuse all and any medical procedures, regardless of his/her reasons.
As you put it, the powers that be may have it all wrong, and in a world permeated with conflicts of interests, the intuition that public health mandates may not be what they appear to be must be granted its discretion.
There is no question that mRNA injections are experimental and that the public has been mislead on this score. If only on the initially touted 95% (or thereabouts) effectiveness of the untried gene therapies at hand, the ethical and legal obligation of Informed Consent was vitiated: