JFK Jr ruined it for me.

If he had just come out and said straight up,

"CeaseFireNow" but he could not.

AIPAC owns him and Bernie.

Being less bad is still no good!

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I think a lot of people alive today understand that this world is not kind, and when you are met with a group committed to your destruction you have two primary options: lay down and die or stand up and defend yourself. I've personally updated my information about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, the past history of the region, the effect of Palestinians in neighboring muslim nations, the role and effect of UNRWA, the reality of what was done on October 7th, the details on how Hamas managed to keep their plans secret for two years, the unethical behavior of Hamas in Gaza, the negative effect of Hamas on Gazans, the insidious way in which Hamas and other known terrorist groups have infiltrated Western Universities, the instant (planned) response against Israel on October 8th, the tragedy of antisemitism and rabid Jew-Hatred being unleashed upon the world in this century with virtually no one standing up to say "Hell no, not here, not now, not ever." And so on. My "American Opinion," absorbed through the ether as it were, about the Nakba (which my Dad taught me about in my teen years), the "abuse" of Palestinians by Israelis, the demographics of Israel, the reality of living in Israel, the blatant antisemitic mission of Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis in Yemen, and the absolute commitment of modern Iran to the destruction of Israel...all caught me off guard, like it should. Good people should be shocked and horrified to discover that some people are so truly evil. And so, while I was a bit bothered by Kennedy's initial reaction, now that I've spend months and months gaining a tremendously wide range of information about the complexity of the situation in Israel and the region, I am 100% in agreement with Kennedy's response.

In all honesty, I think a lot of people who believe they can't change their mind, and who think they know enough to judge the Middle East from their Western Culture Couch, are so attached to their "I know what's best" opinion that sure....Kennedy said something they didn't agree with and they thought, "Well, that's because I'm smarter, more educated, more aware and wiser than Kennedy. It's not possible that maybe I've gotten it wrong. It's not possible that maybe Kennedy and others have a valuable perspective. My current beliefs are sacrosanct (religiously held to by closed minded individuals unwilling to learn anything contrary to existing beliefs) and therefore, I am right and all others are wrong. Nothing to see, hear, or learn from such people. So, Kennedy just sucks."

That's foolish. IMO.

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You took the words right out of my mouth regarding RFK Jr seeming to be bought by AIPAC. Have you listened to Whitney Webb? Wow. Things make more sense when you consider the Epstein (Mossad agent) connection. By the way , wasn’t Epstein’s “suicide” so strange? Wink-wink. What a coincidence that the cameras weren’t working and the guards were asleep and his cell mate was away etc. Anyway, RFK Jr. leads an organization called Children’s Defense (which is going great work!) but he can’t defend 15,000 plus children killed by the IDF. Give me a break. Completely inexcusable. I was SO excited about RFK Jr. but he’s just another politician after he backed genicide. And I’m sure there are many who think like me, including the wonderful Charles Eisenstein.

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You (Max Girard - commenter #1) took the words right out of my mouth regarding RFK Jr seeming to be bought by AIPAC. Have you listened to Whitney Webb? Wow. Things make more sense when you consider the Epstein (Mossad agent) connection. By the way, wasn’t Epstein’s “suicide” so strange? Wink-wink. What a coincidence that the cameras weren’t working and the guards were asleep and his cell mate was away etc. Anyway, RFK Jr. leads an organization called Children’s Defense (which is doing great work!) but he can’t defend 15,000 plus children killed by the IDF. Give me a break. Completely inexcusable. I was SO excited about RFK Jr. but he’s just another politician after he backed genocide. And I’m sure there are many like me, including the wonderful Charles Eisenstein.

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