Men and women are not equal and I can prove it.

The egg provided by the woman is 10 million times larger than the sperm. Women are 10M times better than men.

Women have better hand eye coordination, better reaction times, more endurance, finer features, higher tolerance of pain, and mens bodies are trending toward womens ie smaller hands, finer facial features, less eye ridge.

If men had to push a bowling ball out their penis, that would be the end of humans.

Women should be in charge. Men have been in charge for 2000 yrs and look what a giant mess they've made, so lets give women a chance for the next 2000 yrs if we have that long.

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Well, the size of egg and sperm doesn’t seem to be on the order of millions…but, I hear you. 😉

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No, I did my due diligence and it's 10M to 1 in volume!

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Wow! The photos don’t do the size differential justice.

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Absolutely excellent article. Well played.

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