Mar 26Liked by March Twisdale

You cannot dumb down what is absent. If a perfectly mentally capable person needs to do a certain task, he/she will do it, and most probably will take it as a small-step personal challenge. Meaning that we intuitively know that solving new problems will give us another fraction of inch progress in developing ourselves.

Why would you give it up and use software instead? Three main reasons: greed, power trip, lack of relevant knowledge.

Greed is when you want to do earn more (money, time, favors) by cheating. Cheating is when you are told to do something, but you outsource this action to third parties. You will earn more at the expense of other people, mostly those who are honest. No competing, greed always wins. Short-term.

Power trip is when you want to rise the ladder faster than others and you do not have what it takes in you. So you resort to cheating again. Old-style plagiarism is an example, or stealing somebody’s project and passing it on as your own creation. Again, you will win by cheating in most cases. Short-term.

Lack of relevant knowledge… including the ability to make proper linguistic expressions in your mother tongue. When greed and power trips are simply shortcuts to get something that you do not deserve, this one is self-damaging. By clicking the button “Think for me”, you deprive yourself of 24/7 exercising of the mind. You will become a master of copy-paste (some software takes even this effort and self-copies the result, so you only need to switch to another program and one-click paste), with increasingly diminishing mental abilities. Genius for 2 months, unemployable for life.

The karmic law is merciless. What you do, you will receive back in a multiplied form. Or, if you prefer cheating (aka using software - see my section on “AI or not AI” https://thepathishere.substack.com/s/ai-or-not-ai), maybe you don’t deserve to be a fully-competent thinking human being? Maybe you should remain on this level of cheating yourself?

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