Jun 11·edited Jun 13Liked by March Twisdale

March, I completely understand where you are coming from with this decision.  I have often felt the same way myself.  But here is something to consider before flushing FB completely.

Like you, I am constantly being given warnings, time outs, etc. by what I call the Approved Opinions Committee (AOC for short.... ) at Facebook.  I am on a rolling 90 day downgrade of all of my posts, to the point that they show up so deep in the Newsfeed that I'm amazed that anyone sees them at all.  Even when I try (well, kind of) to be good and not poke the bear too hard, the AOC will still manage to go back weeks or even months to find posts that they now have decided breaks one of their rules, and add to my time deeeeeep in the Newsfeed.  I find this both annoying and amusing, since the subjects of so many of my posts that were labelled as "False Information" in the past are now commonly accepted as fact, and I love to point that out at times on my FB page just to try to get a rise out of the AOC.

This rather blatant censorship has had me close to saying "screw it!" and killing my page many times.  What's the point of wasting time and energy if nothing that I post is even seen, or instantly censored?  Sure, it can be somewhat rewarding to just scream into the wind, but it's much better if your scream is heard by someone else.

What I have discovered is that there are quite a few people out there who DO see some of my posts, and who now regularly (and anonymously) visit my page.  Most of these are people who are afraid to raise their heads up where they might be seen and targeted by the AOC, and possibly get on a list with the FBI or other agencies who are looking for dissenters like myself.  These people almost never leave any comments, or like a post, but when they do it is telling.  Several times during the scamdemic I was messaged by a friend in Australia, one of the few who was refusing to comply, and she was having a very hard time living any kind of normal life.  She thanked me for posting even the small amount of info that was not quickly censored by the AOC, because she told me it was difficult to impossible for her to find out much of what was happening in the rest of the world, and my posts were a big help in keeping her strong in her determination not to comply.

I have discovered that far more FB friends (and others) than I had any clue of were and are watching my page.  Like you, I spend a lot of time trying to understand what is going on in the world and then sharing as much of that info as possible so that those who either do not have the time or expertise to locate this info on their own can get a better feel for what is happening in the REAL world, not just the BS that is served up by the MSM. Every time I once more get so disgusted with the BS of the AOC I get another message thanking me, or someone has the courage to actually leave a comment on a post that a year or two ago would have gotten me banned from FB completely.  And that makes me understand that by dropping out I would be doing exactly what the AOC wants, and allowing them to silence me.  

I'm a very stubborn person, and telling me that I can't do something is a nearly sure way to make me continue to do that thing. The last thing that I want to do is ANYTHING that could potentially help the Powers That Be with their agenda, and even though I am just one small voice, voluntarily silencing myself is one more small step toward helping them with their goals.

Maybe (even probably) I am overestimating my importance.  But the more voices who are continually telling the truth where others might have a chance to find it, the better.  By dropping off FB I would be closing off a channel where lots of people can learn things who might otherwise remain ignorant of much that the government and their minions at the Approved Opinions Committee want to keep hidden. You have a very strong voice, and write beautifully.  I wish I could write like that!  Make your voice heard in as many places as possible.  The fact that the AOC is trying to make your life miserable shows that you are getting under their skin by speaking out on things they do not want heard.  Don't let them chase you away from FB.  Too many normies out there who don't even know what Substack is, and they need a way to learn what is really happening in the world so they can finally wake up. FB is just another way for people to find you, and hear what you have to say.

Keep on fighting the good fight!  Whether you leave FB or not I'll continue to share your posts with others, and hopefully more people will discover you and what you have to say.


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Dear Spearchucker,

I read your reply the day you posted, but I've been thinking about it and carefully considering your point. I'm going to write a Substack reply this weekend that inculcates your thoughts and I'm wondering if I have your permission to quote you by name (Spearchucker's Newsletter?) and perhaps point people to your content? I want to thank you for offering such a full and thoroughly considered set of points. Warmly, March

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Hi March,

Sure, you are welcome to include any or all of my note. Not much point in sending anyone to my substack since, as I'm sure you've discovered, there is no content there at this point. I've spent enough time cruising substack as well as X/Twitter to not be able to fool myself into believing that I have anything new to offer. My name is Tom Ellis, and I have no problem with my name being made public. I've certainly made no effort to hide my identity on Facebook while doing my best to be a total PITA to Zuckerberg and his AOC.

On a somewhat related topic, did you see that Facebook is getting hammered for censoring those who posted the great RFK Jr video narrated by Woody Harrelson? It seems that RFK's imminent addition to the debates has changed things more than a little. What happened to you on FB has happened to a lot of others, and finally drawn the attention of someone who can make things uncomfortable for Zuckerberg. Sorry I can't send you a link, I spotted this about an hour ago but didn't save the location. But I'd think it shouldn't be very difficult to find if you want to do so.

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As I mentioned to March below, your comment hit me hard, Tom. I've written about my decades-long struggle with FB (or what I like to call, "BlueEff") but never saw it the way you describe. Your sentence, "Make your voice heard in as many places as possible," REALLY stung... in the best way possible. I know you were saying this to March directly, but I realize it applies to all of us -- particularly those of us who are trying to open hearts and minds to a different reality. I'm going to write that sentence on a post-it and put it above my desk to remind me. Thank you for sharing your perspective; you've affected me in a way you probably couldn't have imagined... and of course, that was the whole point of your comment! Ah... don't you just love how the universe works?

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The censorship or heckling increases when you are over the target. Put on a mental flak jacket and keep on posting - with code words was the Twitter strategy. I haven't been active on FB but started a page. Tarot type guidance/channeled guidance said that using modern technology to spread better energy messaging is okay, faster, and the work is needed. The world needs more joy and love.

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Good going! Literally! 😂

I share your frustration, disgust, anger... and concern for our freedom and wellbeing as a nation and society. We do have choices to make, but they often require letting go of convenience. FB is something I've wrestled with for decades now, and still do. Wrote about it here, if you're interested:


Happy to find you, March.

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Hi Mary,

I just finished reading your recommended post and wow! Such excellent writing! I immediately signed up for a paid subscription and recommended your work. I'm also appreciating an aspect of my struggle with the "BlueEff" that I hadn't yet touched upon in my own introspection and I'm going to do so this weekend. As with Spearchucker (see comment above), I'd like to mention you and your work by name and with a link to your Substack. Please confirm this is okay with you, and thanks for your shared experiences. Warmly, March

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Thank you so much, March, for your compliment, recommendation, and paid subscription! A wonderful trifecta to wake up to this morning. 😊

And of course, mention away! I look forward to reading your own continued thoughts on this subject. BTW, Tom's take on BlueEff hit me hard. I'm sitting with a new perspective, so thank you for your own work in creating a place where thoughtful dialogue is welcome. Best to you.

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Jun 9Liked by March Twisdale

Thank you for sharing. I have deleted and gone back a few times to FB as it is my connection to friends and family in other countries. I do loathe the abuse and manipulation of FB. I must consider your words carefully.

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I so totally understand. I've considered leaving a few times and I always post about it, with an invitation to people who want to remain in contact to exchange emails or phone numbers. As you suggest, it's more clumsy, but I believe I will persevere and develop new habits that work as well (maybe better?) and I won't feel so icky.

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You must live in CommieCon Cali? The quotes of prices I experience on a daily basis 🤯😳

Keep writing, but Fakebook is not your desired platform IMHO.

The Stack is where it’s at! The troll sitch isn’t bad. I’ve had to block one and mute one in the last 6 months.

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Hello KatWarrior! Or, should I call you Kat?

No, I don't live in CA anymore, and I'm very grateful. I have family there still and I cringe often, but sadly, I live in WA and the entire West Coast is working in synchronicity, pushing various agendas and narratives that match Canada's collapse into quasi-CCP totalitarianism -- which isn't a surprise, when you consider that many newspapers along the West Coast are owned by Black Press and other Canadian Media Corporations. That was a surprise to learn a year or so back!

I agree -- FB is not ideal for the work I do here on Substack, but I've had some interesting insights from Spearchucker and Mary above, which are suggesting to me a possible way to make the "Blue Eff" (as Mary calls it) work for me, rather than the other way around. Still not sure, but I'm giving it a lot of thought and there are some local events that have given me some new thoughts, as well.

This weekend, I plan to write about my evolving ideas...and yes, Substack is awesome! I have also been mostly free from trolls (I think I have blocked/muted one person so far, and that's over two years).

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!



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Hi March,

Thanks for your heartfelt response. It couldn’t have arrived at a better time for more reasons then I have words or time to explain at this moment.

Know that I took the time to read Mary’s comment and link to her Substack (fecking fabulous) and Spearchucker’s (Tom) comment. Wow, just wow!

So many good souls in the cruel, cruel manufactured hate world. I am so grateful March and I have so much more to say and hopefully contribute.

Ta for now 🙏💜💥

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Don’t impend: just drop FacePlant. They have been censoring far too long and show no signs of letting up.

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And there is plenty of wisdom and value in that succinct approach, as well! So grateful for all of these comments and ideas. Thank you!



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Jun 9Liked by March Twisdale

Dear, March: Please know you are read (almost) every time you write and appreciated!

I share your stuff, too!..via email.

No social media for me, except a FB account when I was in business (for promotions pushed out by my super techie ex-office manager) years ago.

About 10 years ago, I drove from my mountain home to the local airport, 45 minutes away, to catch a flight to SFO for a seminar. Getting there just in time to board, I realized I had forgotten my ID in a pants pocket. Never was it so easy to board a plane! Just a few personal questions and away I went. Getting a hotel room, even at an Embassy Suites where I had stayed countless times before, was a different story! No dice!..until they asked if I had a FB account. My FB account served as identification veriification even when credit cards, business cards, & photo membership cards did not.

I was astonished! As happy as I was for that hotel room, that experience gave me the creeps! I realized at that time what a pervasive power FB had become.

I know I miss out on a lot in todays world by not being on FB: gatherings, passings, births,, memorial celebrations. But, I also know I haven't been seduced by one of the most evil powers in our world.

We stayed connected as people before FB came along. We can do it again if enough people wake up and take back the power of their personal communications...you know; emails, phone calls, and letters!

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Wow. That is creepy. I agree! And, I think this is a good reminder that this new, high tech world is so far beyond our fundamental human experiences that all of us are swimming in very deep water. Most Americans have no idea that China went almost 100% cashless in 2018, or how this has resulted in the entire society being even more strictly controlled by the CCP. Sure, they've "embraced" some level of capitalism, but then they swooped in and ensured that thriving Chinese Citizens remain cowed and controlled. As for us Americans, how many actually understand the Fed, or BitCoin, or how algorithms really work? As the foundation we exist within flies forward, at the speed of light, more and more trust is required and that, in and of itself, is the rotten core of totalitarianism. We're all just treading water, because even if we understand one area of modern tech, who can understand all of them? No one. So, where does this leave us? It's a pertinent question...

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I am delighted to learn you were inspired by my last post, March, and congratulations on your upcoming liberation from Falsebook!

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Hi Margaret!

Yes, it was an awesome message. Thank you. I agree, we need to keep hope alive and inspire courageous attitudes during these darkening days.

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Jun 9Liked by March Twisdale

They make money off of you. And use that money to circumvent your rights, your freedoms and your voice.

I left 4 years ago. I could no longer accept the reality and continue within it. So, even with the personal cost, I vacated the beast. Gaines a lot of time back, bomut lost contact with a lot of people I enjoyed being connected/reconnected with.

Facebook is evil. Period. Cast evil off at all costs.

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Thank you, Jeff. Very concise summary! And, how can we build our newer, better, freer lines of communication if we're investing our time and energy in another, dangerous platform? So, yes. I look forward to the emotional and moral relief I will feel, as I cast off the evil...

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