Some people believe there is One Way Only to get through the Covid Experience. The advocates of one way thinking are blatant and in our faces, day in and day out. The endless narrative is piped into our eyes and ears on a 24 hour newscycle, thrust to the top of search engines everywhere, and cast in limelight while every other viewpoint is targeted, eliminated and banned. We are being groomed to accept our role as willing participants in a world of someone else’s creation.
Who seems to be so invested in the One Way Only narrative?
- consolidated, corporate media
- tax-funded agencies suffering from regulatory capture
- compromised politicians & public health officials
- the pharmaceutical industry itself
Just to make sure we’re on the same page, here’s my perspective of the One Way Only narrative (with a few ad hoc comments that I hope make you laugh, and not cry):
1. Wear masks (and disregard Dr. Fauci’s multiple interviews where he explains that masking is mostly irrelevant to preventing the spread of the virus - he wasn’t wrong, he was just, well, erm - these aren’t the droids you’re looking for, move along, move along…)
2. Stay physically isolated or distant (until you buy our product: we offer 3-5 month tickets to freedom, depending on the country!)
3. Inject yourself w/ drugs (Emergency Use Authorized drugs being dealt to you by the largest drug dealers in human history, I mean. Not heroin! Did I need to say that? Maybe.)
4. When (not if) you catch Covid; test & stay home as long as the government tells you to…(10 days, 5 days, the number changes “depending on your job” because, that makes sense?)
5. Inject yourself again (every 5 months now, but the UK is leaning toward quarterly and Israel’s already on their 4th dose, right?)
6. Get super sick? Go to the hospital.
7. Don’t bring supplements or medications (or an opinion) with you. Don’t bring your own doctor’s opinion, either. Don’t question or argue. Smile and do what you (and the doctors) are being told to do - there’s a huge manual from some bureaucrats on the East Coast telling the hospital doctors & nurses what to do (Covid Protocol), and they can read, so you’re in good hands. Right?
8. Got over Covid & now you’re naturally immune? Doesn’t matter! Injections are good for everyone - it’s not like we’re tricking our complicated immune system over and over again with new mRNA tech w/ zero longevity studies. (A toddler playing with a loaded gun comes to mind, actually.)
And so the messaging goes.
Now, to be Queen Obvious, I’m on a different pathway. Not gonna lie. But, that’s me. Everyone else is on their own journey. Who am I to judge? My deepest held values are grounded in respecting each person’s right to choose for themselves. My body, my choice. Your body, your choice. Equal opportunity for self-determination of values, ethics and beliefs; all promises of America.
Ooops! I forgot one: Freedom of Speech.
From Ancient Greece onward, debate and public discourse has been the lifeblood of all democratically founded societies, representational or direct. And when discussion is being shut down, blatantly censored, discouraged and attacked, to the point that people begin to self-censor what they say, and even think? Alarm bells go off and red flags start waving!
So, let me get personal. About me, my experience with Covid and a common One Way Only rebuttal we’ve all heard more than once.
When I share concerns, ideas, resources, or data that undermines the One Way Only narrative, I am often accused of doing *nothing* at all. Literally, “if you will not get the injection, then you are doing nothing, and you deserve to be refused care at the hospital, you stupid _____.” That type of thing.
But here’s the deal. There are as many ways to respond to the Covid Experience, as there are people in the world. And, for me, one important response had to do with my personal health. It is recognized fact, across the globe, that the vast majority of people struggling with Covid (who are not old) are people with lifestyle illnesses. In particular, entire Covid wards are filled with diabetic, obese patients far more often than the media wants to admit.
So, I decided to finally overcome my unhealthy relationship with food. In October 2020, I completely changed my diet, eliminating alcohol (which I rarely drank), sugar (which I ate way too much of), grains (farewell bread and pastries), dairy and caffeine (giving up the dairy made it far easier to give up the coffee). The result? I dramatically reduced inflammation (key to Covid recovery) and lost 35 pounds.
Wait! If you’re sensing a diet lecture…not coming! Promise!
This was about far more than diet and weight loss. This was even about more than improving my chances of recovering well when I catch Covid. This was about my personal life ethic of turning challenges into opportunities for self-improvement. An intentional habit of choosing the harder, but potentially more effective, option. Easy road? No thank you! Give me a challenge, and I will make challenge-lemonade.
That attitude is part of my philosophical approach to life. Therefore, while I am now quantifiable more healthy on a physical level, I am also psychologically and emotionally more healthy, because I am living in accordance with my personal values. My values. Not yours, necessarily. Just mine.
“To each their own,” comes to mind, and what a great thought it is! “To each his own” is a direct translation of a latin phrase, “suum cuique,” which was a judicial concept based on Greek ideas of justice. Plato defined it thus: “Justice is when everyone minds his own business, and refrains from meddling in others’ affairs.”
It goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway), that the current attack on individual liberty and the One Way Only medical tyranny destroying lives across America (and the globe) shatters this ancient and long-held concept of justice. The United “States” of America have also become gravely dis-united, as some slide dangerously close to fascism and others rally to the cry for freedom. This demands our attention, and not a casual, sloppy, echo-chamber form of attention where you revel in confirmation bias. Our nation is at risk, and the threat is domestic.
Keep in mind, the One Way Only narrative, in a country of over 330 million diverse people is literally, medically contra-indicated, but this doesn’t mean the One Way Only path is wrong for everyone. In fact, it can be a legitimate choice for some people. The legitimacy, however, comes from only one source: CHOICE.
I don’t know any of my friends’ medical history. So, if a friend chooses the One Way Only path for themselves, I 100% respect their decision. It would be presumptive and inappropriate to do otherwise, because so many facets of ourselves go into such decisions. Medical history, as a deciding factor, seems obvious, but there are other aspects of equal importance. Who one lives with, where one works and the health status of close contacts are also fairly common considerations, but one’s relationship with their own body, their perception of illness, their confidence regarding self-care, their childhood and generational memories, their need for society’s acceptance, their economic situation, and other aspects of each person’s psychological, spiritual and emotional make-up are also of great importance.
Even feelings of valor, responsibility and obligation matter! I have friends who deeply value the One Way Only narrative. They felt like they were volunteering to serve in World War II, when they went to stand in line and get their first injection. They felt like an astronaut flying into the sky, knowing they could die, and willing to do so, for the sake of exploration.
And, sadly, we have mRNA trial participants who are heading into the court system, suffering from devastating injury and illness, directly attributed to their brave decision to volunteer themselves (and their children) for a human medical experiment.
So, again. You do you. Please.
But, not if that includes forcing me to “do you,” too. That’s taking it too far. That’s religious persecution, forced conversion, segregation, apartheid and tyranny. And as long as I’m alive, I’ll write/work/fight against these crimes and for the promise of America.
So, as a person who’s not interested in participating in the mRNA experiment, here is a photo of the types of foods that I’ve been enjoying over the past couple months down here in the desert.
Not everyone wants to change their diet, and that’s OK. This planet is better when people are different from one another. Diversity is natural, inevitable and brilliant! So, please don’t feel like I am judging how people eat. I’m not. The idea that I’m trying to get across has nothing to do with diet changes. The point of this article is to highlight the tremendous danger of people believing their solution should be everyone’s solution.
Forcing people to comply with a Government Medical Dictate is wrong, it will lead to far worse, unintended consequences and harm, and it is the most anti-American thing an American citizen can do.
Thankfully, there are close to 100 million Americans who completely understand this and they are organizing with the most incredible vigor, integrity, competency and commitment to doing what is necessary to protect and preserve this nation and the constitution it was, and is, founded upon.
Truly, we are not alone.
Together, we can.
Be strong.
I enjoy the way you make theses choices personal to yourself and anyone else.